What the SALVO Process delivers

Multi-sector implementations of the SALVO Process and associated tools have shown universal applicability to different asset types, industrial sectors, data and organizational maturities.

Case studies have consistently revealed very significant cost, risk and performance gains, such as:

 “60% reduction in Capex requirements” (large oil refinery)

20% life extension for ‘obsolete’ instrumentation & control systems” (chemical plant)

“we halved the frequency of our site shutdowns” (tyre manufacturing).

Further benefits include

Assurance & Credibility

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Assurance and Credibility

SALVO provides and demonstrates the optimal mix of interventions, timings, resourcing and asset life cycles. With complete transparency it achieves consensus, confidence and a robust audit trail for what is worth doing (or spending), why and when.

Manage Complex Risks

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Manage Complex Risks

Risks are incorporated comprehensively in the techniques, from initial targeting of threats and opportunities, to the identification and evaluation of risk controls. And, unlike many other methods, it also handles the interactions between risks (one threat affecting the exposure to others) and how risks change with time.

Decision-making Framework

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A Decision-Making Framework

Extensive implementation experience has already shown that a robust Decision-Making Framework based on SALVO ticks all the boxes: it provides the education, 'rules of the game', consistency, culture-change, proportionality and robustness upon which an organisation depends.

Whole Life Cycle Value

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Whole Life Cycle Value

At the core of SALVO, the methods force rigorous consideration of the asset life cycle in acquisition decisions, operations & maintenance decisions and end-of-life decisions. All are quantified and converted into 'total business impact' so that resourcing, prioritisation and total programmes are built on a level playing field.


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Financial Benefits

Invariably self-funding within a few months. SASOL Synfuels - benefits of over $20 million in cost avoidance and asset life extensions. The ISA utilities group - over $40 million of attributed benefits. Pirelli and SABIC reduced planned shutdowns by half. London Underground have estimated £2-4m/year savings in maintenance and renewal strategies, and the list goes on....

Engagement & Ownership

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Engagement and Ownership

One of the core objectives of SALVO was to better integrate processes, people and technology, acting as a catalyst for breaking down functional silos – giving people a language, template and mechanism to seek common ground. Decisions are then converted into actions and fed into work management, budgeting, resource and the organisation’s risk management systems.

Line-of-Sight (Alignment)

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Line-of-Sight (Alignment)

SALVO has achieved complete acceptance at both the front-line technical/operational level and at senior management, decision authorisation levels. The Process has linked top-down business priorities with bottom-up asset needs, opportunities and realisms. Personal feedback has been consistently positive (see example comments).

Knowledge Capture

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Knowledge Capture

SALVO introduces innovative methods for capturing and quantifying 'tacit' knowledge to fill gaps or provide a 'reality check' for any hard data that may be available. This represents a highly efficient way of ensuring that collective wisdom is gathered into the corporate memory bank, and that insights and experience are applied to ongoing decision-making.
"We have been using the SALVO Process and supportive DST software to update and improve maintenance strategies for our electricity network assets. We chose DST and the SALVO Process because they can integrate with our existing business processes. These features, plus having qualified and knowledgeable experts guiding us through the implementation stages, have proved to be a winning combination in our decision-making.”
Sam Gibson
Investment Strategy Manager (Stations), Northern Ireland Electricity Networks
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