The SALVO Project created systematic processes, skills and tools for optimizing decisions in all stages of the life cycle of physical assets.

The award-winning SALVO* Project yielded solutions that deliver big financial and risk reduction opportunities.  It helps to capture and quantify knowledge, monetize risks and intangibles, calculate and demonstrate the optimal time for interventions.  And it does this with whatever data quality, uncertainties and complex trade-offs are involved, providing a business case and clear audit trail for what is best value option, and why.

* Strategic Assets Lifecycle Value Optimization

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Find out how this 4-year
cross-sector R&D collaboration addressed best practices in decision making for asset management.
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Benefits & Results

A typical user acheived $25m of net benefits (full cost/risk optimization) by extending the life of 'obsolete' control systems from 5 to 9 years
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Getting Started

Your guide to exploring best practices and introducing the SALVO process, training and tools within your organization
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Consistent, proven and substantial business benefits

What the users say


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